Less than a week after Huddah's nude videos of her showering in the BBA house went viral on the internet, she finds herself on the next KQ flight out of Jozi and into Nairobi. After her name was called out as the next evictee, the Kenyan girl of Somali heritage could not hold her tears as she took the walk of shame from the diamond house to the eviction stage. Nigerian host IK could not help it but rub it in, when he made a remark that Denzel and Huddah will understand the "Hot room" while watching the show from outside.
Huddah expressed her dissapointment that Africa did not give her a chance to "showcase" herself. The irony of this statement lies in the fact that she laid herself bare or rather laid her naked body bare for all to see during the morning exercises and shower sessions.
However, for Kenyans all is not lost as we stiil got Annabel to represent us, and also the fact that through Huddah we have re-learned the lesson that those who exalt themselves will surely be humbled in front of everyone.
catch Huddah's shower thumbnail here
Huddah expressed her dissapointment that Africa did not give her a chance to "showcase" herself. The irony of this statement lies in the fact that she laid herself bare or rather laid her naked body bare for all to see during the morning exercises and shower sessions.
However, for Kenyans all is not lost as we stiil got Annabel to represent us, and also the fact that through Huddah we have re-learned the lesson that those who exalt themselves will surely be humbled in front of everyone.
catch Huddah's shower thumbnail here
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