Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lots of trouble for our country Kenya

I know most of you who have access to Kenya's press (print/electronic and audio visual) know that Kenya's forest cover is now 1.7% of 582650 square Kilometers that is the total geographical area of our country.Just to break it down for all of you dear readers who were kicked out of the math class in high school just because the math teacher didn't like your face......the total land mass under forest cover in Kenya is 9905.05 sq.Km (582650 * 1.7/100 = 9905.05 sq. km....damn i feel smart...or 990505 hectares or better still 2447591.158 acres)www.hmnet.com/africa/kenya/kenya.html

Of the highest concern of these forests, is the Mau Summit which is 2/3 or approximately 66% of 9905.05 sq.km.The mau has been invaded and something needs to be done ASAP.Images of fires gutting down the eucalyptus and cedar plantations in the forests is enough proof that this wanton destruction did not start this year neither did it start ten years ago.As far as the Maasai elders are concerned Mau was originally made up of indigenous African tree species not the cedars and the Eucalyptus that are burning down today....i accept the fact that once an indegenous forest is gone there are very little chances of re-generating one...so the soft-wood plantations are better than no forest at all...to cut a long story short....all people in the Mau should move out and give the forest a chance to regenerate by itself.

Politicians should sober up and stop trivializing this issue using their usual tools (politics and tribalism).Top leadership of the nation must deal with this matter squarely and conclusively...indeed this is a litmus test for the prime minister....whether he can make rational and unpopular decisions at a risk of political fallout. (something which Kimuya successfully did but the consequences were that he was censured by parliament).On an ironical perspective, the politicians can let the destruction go on and we will see which ethnic community will suffer most.....( i cannot believe i have just said this)

There are also disturbing news that 76 lions in Narok and Trans Mara districts have been poisoned and killed in the past one month. Again, we say let the politicians defend their ethnic interests as we wait, as a nation, to see what happens when the food chain in the Mara gets skewed

1 comment:

Alex Maina said...

The Mau Steering committee appointed by our beloved Prime minister started its work a couple of weeks ago.Already, squatters have been evicted from the south-eastern part of the complex.
Predictably, Rift-Valley MPs from the Kalenjin community are already issuing ultimatums to the His excellency the Prime Minister.Some Mp has even said that the community will not support the PM come 2012 elections.
Personally iam worried that foolish Kenyans might be the Majority in 2012 and end up voting for "alliances".Raila deserves to be rewarded.He has once again shown that he loves us Kenyans with all his heart.He is brave and does not fear blackmail from the phantoms of corruption, tribalism and other illnesses that have plagued Kenya ever since the white man settled us in provinces/boundaries along tribal lines.Its my sincere prayer that God the father almighty grants Raila a long life and brings wisdom to the Masses come 2012