Monday, May 19, 2014

Why Raila's homecoming would be the last nail to his political coffin

There is no doubt that Raila Odinga has had an illustrious political career. For the past three decades, Raila has been a thorn in the flesh to the ruling elite in Kenya.But a closer look at his politics reveals a man who has perfected the act of political rhetoric sometimes boudering on incitement and reckless declarions.

However, who can blame the man. Raila is an animated character with knack for captivating huge crowds especially those of the labour class. The labour class are the majority in Kenya and are usually the first in society to bare the brunt of inflation and high interest rates. In Raila, people see the messiah. The one who will take them to the promised land.

Personally, in my private thoughts, i imagine what a Raila Presidency can be like. Sometimes i think Kenyans will be judged harshly by a superior force for never giving Raila a chance. Its like when you are fresh graduate and not apply for certain vacancy and the feeling that maybe that one opportunity you ignored might have  been the one to end you joblessness.

So, Raila has been on a sabatical in Boston USA. He has been busy lecturing in Universities in the USA on matters of leadership in Africa.Meanwhile his psycophants back at home led by senators Orengo, Muthama and Wetangula are busy spoiling Raila homecoming party by leaking information on the plans of that "big" day.

This is my prediction on how the homecoming will effectively end Raila's career. The rhetoric that the Jubilee government has failed and Kenyans made a blunder to vote for UhuRuto will backfire. Indeed, if CORD's activity will slow down Kenya's economy then that will be it. It will prove true what Raila phobia antagonists have always preached. That Raila will go for power no matter what. Bloodshed included. And this time even Raila's supporters might wake up to this reality.

Anyway, i hope Raila's homecoming will brighten Kenya's news. We are tired of MCA's and thei impeachment song. We are also tired of grenades and IED's.

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