Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mpeketoni massarcre - the conspirancy theory

Kenya woke up to very horrendous news of a 4hr long massacre that happened in Mpeketoni, a bustling remote town in the southeast of Kenya. It was a big political setback to the Jubilee government who are busy setting Kenya's development agenda 2013-2018.

As expected, the NIS, the police and the entire

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National dialogue - lets call it something else

It is very dissapointing that Kalonzo Musyoka cited Somali and South Sudan national dialogues as examples when answering a journalist question at orange house when CORD luminaries called a press conference to clarify what they actually meant when they placed an embargo on the ruling caolition to host a national dialogue conference.

It is common knowledge that Somalia and South Sudan are states dogged with war because of individuals personal egos and it is not wrong to conclude - based on Kalonzo assertions - that the national dialogue after all is not about the mwananchi but rather about individuals who were competing for a certain position and need closure over the issue of 2013 elections.

The issues raised by CORD have been in existence in Kenya for a very long time. Indeed there is no time in the history of Kenya that Kenyans were so divided tribally than in the build-up to 2007 elections. CORD cannot therefore accuse the UhuRuto government of being tribal yet they themselves exhibited tribal-tendencies (as far as govt.  appointments are concerned) when sharing their mkate nusu in the grand coalition.

The question is - If at all Jubilee agrees to talks, will CORD be the proverbial camel that asked the owner of the tent to shelter its head and eventually threw the owner out?

If at all some solutions to Kenya's problems were found during the national debate, will CORD demand to implement them?

UhuRuto government should not agree to national dialogue. Agreeing to it will be akin to admitting, that they are not up to task, or more bluntly not able to rule Kenya.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Anti-climax in Raila's homecoming party

They say...."great expectations make frustrated men" and thats exactly what happened in the much hyped and much anticipated Raila's homecoming party. As with all huge rally's the event was marred by heckling, chaos and public disorder evident by the fact that most of the speakers spent more time quelling the crowds rather than addressing the masses.

As predicted in this blog, there were subtle hints that Raila Odinga the man is now but a pale shadow of his former self. For an unknown reason Raila seemed to be an angry man. He addressed the nation with bitterness and his overall tone was that of ultimatums to the ruling regime, falling short to calling for mass action. Indeed, he suggested mass action or political instability if the government does not convene a national dialogue conference and invite the opposition.

It seems that certain people flourish in creating political crisis in the republic and this is never good for the economy of the nation atleast at the macroeconomic level. The argument or rather the justification for all this tension has always been that the opposition represents half the population of Kenya and therefore Jubilee cannot rule alone.

What a fallacy this is. Absolute hog wash. As it stands, CORD has no legal mandate to govern Kenya. More bluntly, they lost the election. It is only fair if they let the ruling coalition exercise their mandate in their constitutional term. All this bickering only derails the nations economic agenda and therefore affecting the common mwananchi on the ground not only economically but also socially in the sense that this politics always have a way of awakening the tribalism monster, which some of us wish could be slaughtered and buried in the deepest hole on earth.

Endless politics will not put food on the mwananchi table but will raise tensions between friends since in Kenya, tribe = politics. Yes your tribe can give a hint of your political affiliation even if you are not concerned. Ethnic profiling is rife and CORD thrives on it.

Raila homecoming was short of expectation.