Come Saturday afternoon on 11th July 2009 and i was nursing one humongous hangover carried over from a night of binge drinking.The hangover felt like a bout of Malaria, a terrible disease that kills so many Africans.At about 1500hrs Nairobi time and 1300hrs Accra time, all TV stations in Kenya stopped their programming schedule so as to air Obama's maiden visit as president of the USA (America sucks) to sub-Sahara Africa.
Predictably,Ghanaians were all over the place trying to catch a glimpse of the man from siaya.
When Obama started to 'address the dark continent' he sounded like a white politician.He spoke about corruption, poverty etc and blamed all this woes to our big men.Listening to Obama,it felt like a scene from George Orwell's Animal Farm, where the animals peeped through the Key hole and could not differentiate the pigs from the humans.I mean, i could not differentiate Obama from George Bush or any other head of state from the first world.
He mentioned something about the civil society in Kenya having played an important role to quell the violence in Kenya in early 2008.I would like to inform readers of this blog that the civil society in Kenya is as useless as a lame donkey.They are opportunists who are swayed by the wind like a dhow in the high seas.For example, prior to the elections, they were all singing to the ODM (Orange Democtratic Movement) tune of change and anti-Gikuyuism.It is a fact that ODM used tribal hatred as a campaign strategy and the civil society was there on TV/radio/Newspapers on a daily basis cheering them on.
Tribalism is a fact in Kenya.It is a monster.Our second names are tribal names.It is our beauty.It is our pride.It is our sense of belonging.It shows we are not slaves who cannot trace their roots.It reflects our diversity and culture not to mention a tourist attraction.Tribalism is here to stay.
I attended an international workshop one day and happened to meet one black American guy who seemed to be 40 years old.The guy kept on insiting that there are tribes in America to the point that got me thinking that even Americans want to go tribal.It seemed cool(in the american sense of the word) to belong to a tribe.Unfortunately most black Americans cannot trace their roots, so they should not try lecturing Africans on the motherland about tribalism.
Obama also talked about global warming and its effects especially the African continent.To rub salt on the African wound..... Obama's luggage included his fuel guzzler with a funny American Name.That car of his, coupled with Ghanaian chase cars and Ghanaian presidential motorcade must have dented a hole in the ozone layer in Accra due to their carbon emissions.
Obama spoke about the youth holding the future of Africa.Take Kenya for instance, 70% of Kenyan youth are drug addicts and alcohol abusers.How can these guys lead us to the future?There is unequal trade in the world.Africa has very little access to the American Market, how does he expect us to make foreign exchange when we cannot sell our goods overseas?What about the slaves that toiled in the sugarcane plantations of America making it become an economic powerhouse?I read somewhere that half of New York was built by slaves.What about the continued looting and exploitation of our natural resources by first world countries who use conflict to exploit Africa even more??(FYI...The problem of Piracy off Somalia's coast is a result of exploitation by European and Asian Fish industries who are currently overfishing with the watchful eyes of Marine vessels...the likes that were used in the gulf war of 1990)
We expected him to talk about such issues...not things that George Bush spoke about five years ago.