Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lots of trouble for our country Kenya

I know most of you who have access to Kenya's press (print/electronic and audio visual) know that Kenya's forest cover is now 1.7% of 582650 square Kilometers that is the total geographical area of our country.Just to break it down for all of you dear readers who were kicked out of the math class in high school just because the math teacher didn't like your face......the total land mass under forest cover in Kenya is 9905.05 sq.Km (582650 * 1.7/100 = 9905.05 sq. km....damn i feel smart...or 990505 hectares or better still 2447591.158 acres)www.hmnet.com/africa/kenya/kenya.html

Of the highest concern of these forests, is the Mau Summit which is 2/3 or approximately 66% of 9905.05 sq.km.The mau has been invaded and something needs to be done ASAP.Images of fires gutting down the eucalyptus and cedar plantations in the forests is enough proof that this wanton destruction did not start this year neither did it start ten years ago.As far as the Maasai elders are concerned Mau was originally made up of indigenous African tree species not the cedars and the Eucalyptus that are burning down today....i accept the fact that once an indegenous forest is gone there are very little chances of re-generating one...so the soft-wood plantations are better than no forest at all...to cut a long story short....all people in the Mau should move out and give the forest a chance to regenerate by itself.

Politicians should sober up and stop trivializing this issue using their usual tools (politics and tribalism).Top leadership of the nation must deal with this matter squarely and conclusively...indeed this is a litmus test for the prime minister....whether he can make rational and unpopular decisions at a risk of political fallout. (something which Kimuya successfully did but the consequences were that he was censured by parliament).On an ironical perspective, the politicians can let the destruction go on and we will see which ethnic community will suffer most.....( i cannot believe i have just said this)

There are also disturbing news that 76 lions in Narok and Trans Mara districts have been poisoned and killed in the past one month. Again, we say let the politicians defend their ethnic interests as we wait, as a nation, to see what happens when the food chain in the Mara gets skewed

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Harambee stars should bring us inspiration

Those who are keen on Kenya's current/past affairs know that Patriotism ceased to exist in our beloved nation ever since the World Bank/IMF coerced the then government to adopt SAP (Structural Adjustment Programme.Patriotism ceased to exist when it emerged that one Saul Kamlesh Patni ( now known as Paul Kamlesh Patni) had siphoned a couple billion Kenyan shillings fron the central bank and deposited the money in his personal a/c in some bank in rural Switzerland.

It is at this period of time that people stopped going to the stadium to watch football.Co-incidentally, it is at the same time that Benga/rhumba/taarab/bango were replaced by old jack/funk as the music of choice.It is at this time that Nairobi experienced the biggest rural-urban migration....it is at this time that Kenya got a second TV channel and people started prospecting the possibility of FM radio.

All said, i think we are at our lowest as far as patriotism is concerned.When the NARC government came to power there were signs of recovery...what with t-shirts branded with the Kenyan flag??What with Kapuka/Genge hitting the air waves....even our representative in Big brother Africa 1 arrived to the house with a Kenyan something (i cannot remember what that Kenyan something was)....Unfortunately due to too much politics that are typical of our nation coupled with corruption in the high offices...we lost it again

Currently,30% of our population is made up of the youth.Due to lack of jobs,poor education system and lack of a culture, the youth are not inspired.Jua cali and his colleagues in the music industry have tried to bring inspiration albeit subconsciously, but the impact is yet to be felt.Obama did it.... but the "Yes we can" fire died out.Harambee stars and even Gor Mahia have brought inspiration in the past and we are praying that they will do it again by making it to South Africa next year.

I also think the top leadership(president and Prime minister)in the Country should make their speeches more inspiring because that is what the youth look forward to whenever they are on TV.

All said...i wish the stars success in their game against Tunisia tomorrow at Nyayo.....

To all my boys at home....nunua gomba Kijeeh leo Jioni....kula lunch heavy kesho saa nne asubuhi enda Nyayo saa tano juu Jam itakuwa noma....kuwa umeketi Stadi by saa nane....anza kuambua gomba saa nane na by the time game ianze kuwa umeseti atleast ngwai moja