Many things have happened ever since i posted my last blog.Finally, squatters were evicted from the Mau forest, Harambeee stars (Kenya's National team) never qualified for the World cup and Africa cup of Nations finals,Antoine Hey ( the national team coach) was fired, the predicted el nino rains never came, a draft constitution for the republic was published et cetera et cetera.
On a personal note, i have resolved to cement my career as a librarian and now more than ever appreciate the fact that experience counts.
Life in Nairobi remains the same, albeit the new "noise pollution" law that has been introduced.The rich continue getting richer while the poor seem to have resigned to the fact that they were condemned to poverty.Our politicians are now aligning themselves in preparation for 2012 general elections.Speculation is rife that there might be a grand tribal alliance pitting the Agikuyu, Akamba and the Kalenjin together.In my opinion this is a tragedy in the making.Politicians vouching for the triple K(KKK) have been in government before.Some have been accused of grand corruption, land grabbing, and abuse of human rights(read PEV).Suprissingly, the possibility of this alliance is seemingly becoming part of the Kenyan debate.It is all over in the news and different foras and Kamkujis (including those night ones at Kencom and Hotel Ambassedeur' in downtown Nairobi) are discussing KKK.
A chinese engineer working on Thika Road once lamented that if Kenyans spoke economy as much as they spoke politics,Kenya will be way ahead.
I choose not to be prophet of doom but am keenly watching this new political sway.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Positive energy
I have regained positive energy.I will not complain anymore.I am blessed to be where iam.I will avoid people who always talk negative.I am grateful.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What Africa needs is Nuke Power....we have been slaves for too long
I will start by commenting on Hillary's Clinton visit to Kenya.Personally i thought she tried her level best not to upset us with the usual American arrogance that we have been exposed to in the past.I liked everything about her tour to Kenya especially the public debate at the University of Nairobi.
One person in the audience asked Hillary why America endorsed the election of President Kibaki in 2007 but later receded on that decision.The person went even further and asked why America and Europe (the world's imperialists slave masters)now support the Zimbabwean Government after a power sharing deal between President Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai who is now prime minister. Hillary Clinton's reply was that the elections in Kenya were free and fair but were full of irregularities as compared to Zimbabwe where there was voter intimidation and pre-election violence but no tallying irregularities.She went on further and admitted that the 2007 elections in Kenya were not different to those of the USA in the years 2000 and 2004.Mrs Clinton informed the Kenyan Masses that America supports free and fair elections but is also aware that the losers of elections are always tempted to incite violence.....apparently she was on point......that is exactly what happened in Kenya.The losers planned and executed the violence.We want justice now.If no one will give us justice then we will give ourselves justice using the law of natural justice.We want Guns.
Anyway, Mrs. Clinton kept on insisting that Obama's Government wanted Africa to come-up with solutions to its own problems something which i found very contradictory...she even said that she supports the local tribunal!!So why then lecture top leadership on good governance/corruption and impunity which, clearly is an attribute of almost all leaders in Africa.It is well known that money stolen from Africa by corrupt individuals from Africa and from the rest of the world,is in Europe, Australia , South East Asia, America, Caribbean islands etc
Kenya has been trying to recover money stolen from public cofers for the past six years.If Europe and America are to talk about corruption, then let them assist Kenya to recover this money.
Africa requires the following things to be "Independent"
-Africa requires to feed itself
-Africa requires to maintain its heritage(iam not saying that we maintain all the old traditions)
-Africa requires to "reclaim" the knowledge to cure our diseases (missionary's explorers and colonialists stole it from us"
-Africa requires a solid education system.
- Africa requires a big Army and a Weapon of Mass destruction.
After achieving the above goals....the word sanctions will not apply.
One person in the audience asked Hillary why America endorsed the election of President Kibaki in 2007 but later receded on that decision.The person went even further and asked why America and Europe (the world's imperialists slave masters)now support the Zimbabwean Government after a power sharing deal between President Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai who is now prime minister. Hillary Clinton's reply was that the elections in Kenya were free and fair but were full of irregularities as compared to Zimbabwe where there was voter intimidation and pre-election violence but no tallying irregularities.She went on further and admitted that the 2007 elections in Kenya were not different to those of the USA in the years 2000 and 2004.Mrs Clinton informed the Kenyan Masses that America supports free and fair elections but is also aware that the losers of elections are always tempted to incite violence.....apparently she was on point......that is exactly what happened in Kenya.The losers planned and executed the violence.We want justice now.If no one will give us justice then we will give ourselves justice using the law of natural justice.We want Guns.
Anyway, Mrs. Clinton kept on insisting that Obama's Government wanted Africa to come-up with solutions to its own problems something which i found very contradictory...she even said that she supports the local tribunal!!So why then lecture top leadership on good governance/corruption and impunity which, clearly is an attribute of almost all leaders in Africa.It is well known that money stolen from Africa by corrupt individuals from Africa and from the rest of the world,is in Europe, Australia , South East Asia, America, Caribbean islands etc
Kenya has been trying to recover money stolen from public cofers for the past six years.If Europe and America are to talk about corruption, then let them assist Kenya to recover this money.
Africa requires the following things to be "Independent"
-Africa requires to feed itself
-Africa requires to maintain its heritage(iam not saying that we maintain all the old traditions)
-Africa requires to "reclaim" the knowledge to cure our diseases (missionary's explorers and colonialists stole it from us"
-Africa requires a solid education system.
- Africa requires a big Army and a Weapon of Mass destruction.
After achieving the above goals....the word sanctions will not apply.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Obama checks into Africa and tells us nothing new
Come Saturday afternoon on 11th July 2009 and i was nursing one humongous hangover carried over from a night of binge drinking.The hangover felt like a bout of Malaria, a terrible disease that kills so many Africans.At about 1500hrs Nairobi time and 1300hrs Accra time, all TV stations in Kenya stopped their programming schedule so as to air Obama's maiden visit as president of the USA (America sucks) to sub-Sahara Africa.
Predictably,Ghanaians were all over the place trying to catch a glimpse of the man from siaya.
When Obama started to 'address the dark continent' he sounded like a white politician.He spoke about corruption, poverty etc and blamed all this woes to our big men.Listening to Obama,it felt like a scene from George Orwell's Animal Farm, where the animals peeped through the Key hole and could not differentiate the pigs from the humans.I mean, i could not differentiate Obama from George Bush or any other head of state from the first world.
He mentioned something about the civil society in Kenya having played an important role to quell the violence in Kenya in early 2008.I would like to inform readers of this blog that the civil society in Kenya is as useless as a lame donkey.They are opportunists who are swayed by the wind like a dhow in the high seas.For example, prior to the elections, they were all singing to the ODM (Orange Democtratic Movement) tune of change and anti-Gikuyuism.It is a fact that ODM used tribal hatred as a campaign strategy and the civil society was there on TV/radio/Newspapers on a daily basis cheering them on.
Tribalism is a fact in Kenya.It is a monster.Our second names are tribal names.It is our beauty.It is our pride.It is our sense of belonging.It shows we are not slaves who cannot trace their roots.It reflects our diversity and culture not to mention a tourist attraction.Tribalism is here to stay.
I attended an international workshop one day and happened to meet one black American guy who seemed to be 40 years old.The guy kept on insiting that there are tribes in America to the point that got me thinking that even Americans want to go tribal.It seemed cool(in the american sense of the word) to belong to a tribe.Unfortunately most black Americans cannot trace their roots, so they should not try lecturing Africans on the motherland about tribalism.
Obama also talked about global warming and its effects especially the African continent.To rub salt on the African wound..... Obama's luggage included his fuel guzzler with a funny American Name.That car of his, coupled with Ghanaian chase cars and Ghanaian presidential motorcade must have dented a hole in the ozone layer in Accra due to their carbon emissions.
Obama spoke about the youth holding the future of Africa.Take Kenya for instance, 70% of Kenyan youth are drug addicts and alcohol abusers.How can these guys lead us to the future?There is unequal trade in the world.Africa has very little access to the American Market, how does he expect us to make foreign exchange when we cannot sell our goods overseas?What about the slaves that toiled in the sugarcane plantations of America making it become an economic powerhouse?I read somewhere that half of New York was built by slaves.What about the continued looting and exploitation of our natural resources by first world countries who use conflict to exploit Africa even more??(FYI...The problem of Piracy off Somalia's coast is a result of exploitation by European and Asian Fish industries who are currently overfishing with the watchful eyes of Marine vessels...the likes that were used in the gulf war of 1990)
We expected him to talk about such issues...not things that George Bush spoke about five years ago.
Predictably,Ghanaians were all over the place trying to catch a glimpse of the man from siaya.
When Obama started to 'address the dark continent' he sounded like a white politician.He spoke about corruption, poverty etc and blamed all this woes to our big men.Listening to Obama,it felt like a scene from George Orwell's Animal Farm, where the animals peeped through the Key hole and could not differentiate the pigs from the humans.I mean, i could not differentiate Obama from George Bush or any other head of state from the first world.
He mentioned something about the civil society in Kenya having played an important role to quell the violence in Kenya in early 2008.I would like to inform readers of this blog that the civil society in Kenya is as useless as a lame donkey.They are opportunists who are swayed by the wind like a dhow in the high seas.For example, prior to the elections, they were all singing to the ODM (Orange Democtratic Movement) tune of change and anti-Gikuyuism.It is a fact that ODM used tribal hatred as a campaign strategy and the civil society was there on TV/radio/Newspapers on a daily basis cheering them on.
Tribalism is a fact in Kenya.It is a monster.Our second names are tribal names.It is our beauty.It is our pride.It is our sense of belonging.It shows we are not slaves who cannot trace their roots.It reflects our diversity and culture not to mention a tourist attraction.Tribalism is here to stay.
I attended an international workshop one day and happened to meet one black American guy who seemed to be 40 years old.The guy kept on insiting that there are tribes in America to the point that got me thinking that even Americans want to go tribal.It seemed cool(in the american sense of the word) to belong to a tribe.Unfortunately most black Americans cannot trace their roots, so they should not try lecturing Africans on the motherland about tribalism.
Obama also talked about global warming and its effects especially the African continent.To rub salt on the African wound..... Obama's luggage included his fuel guzzler with a funny American Name.That car of his, coupled with Ghanaian chase cars and Ghanaian presidential motorcade must have dented a hole in the ozone layer in Accra due to their carbon emissions.
Obama spoke about the youth holding the future of Africa.Take Kenya for instance, 70% of Kenyan youth are drug addicts and alcohol abusers.How can these guys lead us to the future?There is unequal trade in the world.Africa has very little access to the American Market, how does he expect us to make foreign exchange when we cannot sell our goods overseas?What about the slaves that toiled in the sugarcane plantations of America making it become an economic powerhouse?I read somewhere that half of New York was built by slaves.What about the continued looting and exploitation of our natural resources by first world countries who use conflict to exploit Africa even more??(FYI...The problem of Piracy off Somalia's coast is a result of exploitation by European and Asian Fish industries who are currently overfishing with the watchful eyes of Marine vessels...the likes that were used in the gulf war of 1990)
We expected him to talk about such issues...not things that George Bush spoke about five years ago.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The European christian missionaries of Nairobi's shanty towns
I watched the news yesterday both in shock and utter dismay.All of a sudden and after 20 years of purported child molestation Father Renato Kizito is in the limelight for all the bad reasons.I have never met Fr.Renato in person but i know so many positive things he has done for desolate and hopeless ghetto picken of Nairobi city.Take for instance Koinonia....who in the ghettos does not know Koinonia?
Koinonia has changed lives....from rags to riches sort of change.I remember when Radio Waumini was launched.It put reggae in its programming schedule and there was this massive outcry from "self-righteous" Kenyans. The bearded priest was instrumental in the setting up of this Catholic FM radio station.Everybody was asking why a Catholic radio station would play reggae??But to the slum people this was another clever way of the so called pedophile priest of bringing inspiration in the scrap metal and carton box jungles of Nairobi.
Just two days ago someone was arrested trying to print out pictures of naked children in a studio in the Hurlingham area of Nairobi.The big question was, what is the rationale of acquiring photos of naked minors??Techno savvy readers of this blog know that there is a variety of powerful graphic software in the market e.g., adobe photoshop,Illustrator et cetera.Street wise readers also know that in Kenya, just like Nigeria; extortion, blackmail and kidnapping amongst other misdeeds are a common phenomenon.Someone might have played around with photoshop to blackmail Renato.Iam not insinuating that Renato is innocent but most of us must have heard of the phrase "burden of proof" and "innocent until proven guilty".Lets give due process a chance...and we can then know "beyond reasonable doubt" whether Renato is or is not guilty.
Finally, i would like to big up Martin De pares and Daniel Comboni missionaries for all the good job they did in downtown Huruma.
Koinonia has changed lives....from rags to riches sort of change.I remember when Radio Waumini was launched.It put reggae in its programming schedule and there was this massive outcry from "self-righteous" Kenyans. The bearded priest was instrumental in the setting up of this Catholic FM radio station.Everybody was asking why a Catholic radio station would play reggae??But to the slum people this was another clever way of the so called pedophile priest of bringing inspiration in the scrap metal and carton box jungles of Nairobi.
Just two days ago someone was arrested trying to print out pictures of naked children in a studio in the Hurlingham area of Nairobi.The big question was, what is the rationale of acquiring photos of naked minors??Techno savvy readers of this blog know that there is a variety of powerful graphic software in the market e.g., adobe photoshop,Illustrator et cetera.Street wise readers also know that in Kenya, just like Nigeria; extortion, blackmail and kidnapping amongst other misdeeds are a common phenomenon.Someone might have played around with photoshop to blackmail Renato.Iam not insinuating that Renato is innocent but most of us must have heard of the phrase "burden of proof" and "innocent until proven guilty".Lets give due process a chance...and we can then know "beyond reasonable doubt" whether Renato is or is not guilty.
Finally, i would like to big up Martin De pares and Daniel Comboni missionaries for all the good job they did in downtown Huruma.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I arrived in Nairobi on Monday in the morning and headed straight to Muthurwa Market just to experience the chaos associated with this corner of town.I was impressed that the smoking ban was still operational and the sight of smokers bundled in a small area- "smoking zone", puffing away their lives was nostalgic.
Muthurwa lived up to its name and it was amazing to see the number of coming from that direction into town.At this point i realized that Nairobi is an overpopulated city.The smog in the air reminded me of Beijing and all over a sudden i had this feelin...sadness to be precise that the city had sunk too low.
I boarded a matatu to Umoja Estate to meet my favourite friends who still reside in the country ( all the others ran away to America).Once with my friends we headed straight to the pub to catch-up with one another.It was 9AM. We all concurred that the new look Guiness stout bottle sucks
Muthurwa lived up to its name and it was amazing to see the number of coming from that direction into town.At this point i realized that Nairobi is an overpopulated city.The smog in the air reminded me of Beijing and all over a sudden i had this feelin...sadness to be precise that the city had sunk too low.
I boarded a matatu to Umoja Estate to meet my favourite friends who still reside in the country ( all the others ran away to America).Once with my friends we headed straight to the pub to catch-up with one another.It was 9AM. We all concurred that the new look Guiness stout bottle sucks
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fischer's lovebird (Agapornis Fischeri) can no longer be spotted in Nairobi
Fischer's lovebird (Agapornis Fischeri)is a native of East Africa.This colourful and noisy bird was a common site in the city of Nairobi until recently, when certainly, it was no more.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Lots of trouble for our country Kenya
I know most of you who have access to Kenya's press (print/electronic and audio visual) know that Kenya's forest cover is now 1.7% of 582650 square Kilometers that is the total geographical area of our country.Just to break it down for all of you dear readers who were kicked out of the math class in high school just because the math teacher didn't like your face......the total land mass under forest cover in Kenya is 9905.05 sq.Km (582650 * 1.7/100 = 9905.05 sq. km....damn i feel smart...or 990505 hectares or better still 2447591.158 acres)
Of the highest concern of these forests, is the Mau Summit which is 2/3 or approximately 66% of 9905.05 mau has been invaded and something needs to be done ASAP.Images of fires gutting down the eucalyptus and cedar plantations in the forests is enough proof that this wanton destruction did not start this year neither did it start ten years ago.As far as the Maasai elders are concerned Mau was originally made up of indigenous African tree species not the cedars and the Eucalyptus that are burning down today....i accept the fact that once an indegenous forest is gone there are very little chances of re-generating the soft-wood plantations are better than no forest at cut a long story short....all people in the Mau should move out and give the forest a chance to regenerate by itself.
Politicians should sober up and stop trivializing this issue using their usual tools (politics and tribalism).Top leadership of the nation must deal with this matter squarely and conclusively...indeed this is a litmus test for the prime minister....whether he can make rational and unpopular decisions at a risk of political fallout. (something which Kimuya successfully did but the consequences were that he was censured by parliament).On an ironical perspective, the politicians can let the destruction go on and we will see which ethnic community will suffer most.....( i cannot believe i have just said this)
There are also disturbing news that 76 lions in Narok and Trans Mara districts have been poisoned and killed in the past one month. Again, we say let the politicians defend their ethnic interests as we wait, as a nation, to see what happens when the food chain in the Mara gets skewed
Of the highest concern of these forests, is the Mau Summit which is 2/3 or approximately 66% of 9905.05 mau has been invaded and something needs to be done ASAP.Images of fires gutting down the eucalyptus and cedar plantations in the forests is enough proof that this wanton destruction did not start this year neither did it start ten years ago.As far as the Maasai elders are concerned Mau was originally made up of indigenous African tree species not the cedars and the Eucalyptus that are burning down today....i accept the fact that once an indegenous forest is gone there are very little chances of re-generating the soft-wood plantations are better than no forest at cut a long story short....all people in the Mau should move out and give the forest a chance to regenerate by itself.
Politicians should sober up and stop trivializing this issue using their usual tools (politics and tribalism).Top leadership of the nation must deal with this matter squarely and conclusively...indeed this is a litmus test for the prime minister....whether he can make rational and unpopular decisions at a risk of political fallout. (something which Kimuya successfully did but the consequences were that he was censured by parliament).On an ironical perspective, the politicians can let the destruction go on and we will see which ethnic community will suffer most.....( i cannot believe i have just said this)
There are also disturbing news that 76 lions in Narok and Trans Mara districts have been poisoned and killed in the past one month. Again, we say let the politicians defend their ethnic interests as we wait, as a nation, to see what happens when the food chain in the Mara gets skewed
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Harambee stars should bring us inspiration
Those who are keen on Kenya's current/past affairs know that Patriotism ceased to exist in our beloved nation ever since the World Bank/IMF coerced the then government to adopt SAP (Structural Adjustment Programme.Patriotism ceased to exist when it emerged that one Saul Kamlesh Patni ( now known as Paul Kamlesh Patni) had siphoned a couple billion Kenyan shillings fron the central bank and deposited the money in his personal a/c in some bank in rural Switzerland.
It is at this period of time that people stopped going to the stadium to watch football.Co-incidentally, it is at the same time that Benga/rhumba/taarab/bango were replaced by old jack/funk as the music of choice.It is at this time that Nairobi experienced the biggest rural-urban is at this time that Kenya got a second TV channel and people started prospecting the possibility of FM radio.
All said, i think we are at our lowest as far as patriotism is concerned.When the NARC government came to power there were signs of recovery...what with t-shirts branded with the Kenyan flag??What with Kapuka/Genge hitting the air waves....even our representative in Big brother Africa 1 arrived to the house with a Kenyan something (i cannot remember what that Kenyan something was)....Unfortunately due to too much politics that are typical of our nation coupled with corruption in the high offices...we lost it again
Currently,30% of our population is made up of the youth.Due to lack of jobs,poor education system and lack of a culture, the youth are not inspired.Jua cali and his colleagues in the music industry have tried to bring inspiration albeit subconsciously, but the impact is yet to be felt.Obama did it.... but the "Yes we can" fire died out.Harambee stars and even Gor Mahia have brought inspiration in the past and we are praying that they will do it again by making it to South Africa next year.
I also think the top leadership(president and Prime minister)in the Country should make their speeches more inspiring because that is what the youth look forward to whenever they are on TV.
All said...i wish the stars success in their game against Tunisia tomorrow at Nyayo.....
To all my boys at home....nunua gomba Kijeeh leo Jioni....kula lunch heavy kesho saa nne asubuhi enda Nyayo saa tano juu Jam itakuwa noma....kuwa umeketi Stadi by saa nane....anza kuambua gomba saa nane na by the time game ianze kuwa umeseti atleast ngwai moja
It is at this period of time that people stopped going to the stadium to watch football.Co-incidentally, it is at the same time that Benga/rhumba/taarab/bango were replaced by old jack/funk as the music of choice.It is at this time that Nairobi experienced the biggest rural-urban is at this time that Kenya got a second TV channel and people started prospecting the possibility of FM radio.
All said, i think we are at our lowest as far as patriotism is concerned.When the NARC government came to power there were signs of recovery...what with t-shirts branded with the Kenyan flag??What with Kapuka/Genge hitting the air waves....even our representative in Big brother Africa 1 arrived to the house with a Kenyan something (i cannot remember what that Kenyan something was)....Unfortunately due to too much politics that are typical of our nation coupled with corruption in the high offices...we lost it again
Currently,30% of our population is made up of the youth.Due to lack of jobs,poor education system and lack of a culture, the youth are not inspired.Jua cali and his colleagues in the music industry have tried to bring inspiration albeit subconsciously, but the impact is yet to be felt.Obama did it.... but the "Yes we can" fire died out.Harambee stars and even Gor Mahia have brought inspiration in the past and we are praying that they will do it again by making it to South Africa next year.
I also think the top leadership(president and Prime minister)in the Country should make their speeches more inspiring because that is what the youth look forward to whenever they are on TV.
All said...i wish the stars success in their game against Tunisia tomorrow at Nyayo.....
To all my boys at home....nunua gomba Kijeeh leo Jioni....kula lunch heavy kesho saa nne asubuhi enda Nyayo saa tano juu Jam itakuwa noma....kuwa umeketi Stadi by saa nane....anza kuambua gomba saa nane na by the time game ianze kuwa umeseti atleast ngwai moja
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentines eve in Nairoberry
Its yet another friday, and as usual am so worked-up... and cannot think of anything other than a few cold beers.Tomorrow is valentines day and am under pressure to surprise my girlfriend with a gift that will show my undying love for her.She dismissed last years gift as "tacky" and it really broke my heart......readers should not get me wrong...i still stand with the ideals of open communication and am always willing to take up positive criticism.
Due to last years blunder, i invested some time and a few shillings to research on what women in Kenya, and to be precise, what women in Nairobi want for valentines.My investigation yielded very interesting results.Apparently, women in Nairobi always conglomerate with their girlfriends after vals to discuss what sorts of gifts their men got for them.A man who makes an effort to purchase something/anything for his woman, and does something special or something out of the way on this day is rated high.Women have a phrase for this, and the phrase is....."its the thought that matters"
The thought here being the pre-meditation of a man doing something or going out of the way on valentines day to please his woman.
Personally, i find this very hypocritical.How does a woman say that "its the thought that matters" and yet dismiss her man's deeds as tacky???
Due to last years blunder, i invested some time and a few shillings to research on what women in Kenya, and to be precise, what women in Nairobi want for valentines.My investigation yielded very interesting results.Apparently, women in Nairobi always conglomerate with their girlfriends after vals to discuss what sorts of gifts their men got for them.A man who makes an effort to purchase something/anything for his woman, and does something special or something out of the way on this day is rated high.Women have a phrase for this, and the phrase is....."its the thought that matters"
The thought here being the pre-meditation of a man doing something or going out of the way on valentines day to please his woman.
Personally, i find this very hypocritical.How does a woman say that "its the thought that matters" and yet dismiss her man's deeds as tacky???
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What is the Civil Society in Kenya doing about the proposed leasing of the Tana Delta to Qatar

The current crop of civil society activists/journalists are a pity if not a shame to the republic.I read somewhere with utter dismay, that a group of "activists" marched to the Zimbabwean consulate in Nairobi and made a petition that it closes shop in protest of President Mugabe's leadership (God save Africa... for too many brainwashed idiots roam the land). The other day, there was a procession in the city centre in solidarity with the media houses against what the Media calls "draconian law" signed by the president, which in actual sense is a self-regulating law to stop newspaper vendors from selling porn to kids in broad daylight or better still aimed at stopping KTN and its affiliate Kass FM from polarizing and dividing the country along tribal lines.Surprisingly, the same laws apply even in the most democratic country in the universe....USA.
A lot of noise was made and has been made about the media bill,Mugabe,Unga,free primary education,Electral commission of Kenya, Chief Secretary Francis Mutahaura et cetera...but little have we heard about the invasion of paradise on earth, that is, the Tana delta and the proposed building of a port in a UNESCO world heritage site, that is, Lamu isles.
Just to bring all of you ignorant souls up to speed with what iam talking about,Tana delta is a geographical area spanning 130,000 hectares/320,000 acres.The Tana River Delta is amongst the top three of Kenya's largest and most important freshwater wetland systems that comprises of a diverse range of habitats that support in particular many thousands wetland birds.It is internationally important for the survival of no less than 22 species of birds making the delta one of the key sites in the country for waterbird conservation. It also holds a diversity of other wildlife including hippo, lion, elephant, buffalo, many breeding fish and amphibians(I have plagiarized this paragraph....don't bother googling).
As we speak, Abu dhabi brothers are on-site alongside a local company known as Mumias Sugar.They have invaded the delta and already the effects are being felt.An example is the malachite kingfisher (see below) which is on the verge of extinction.

Instead of focusing on real issues like the inability of NEMA to make independent decisions, they are wasting time conning donors and government agencies of their money pretending to be champions of the people but in the real sense champions of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM).Brothers and Sisters in the civil society ODM is in Government.They sat together with their PNU counterparts and sold the Tana Delta to the Qatari's.
So take your Placards and lets see you on TV engaging the govermnent (ODM, PNU government) machinery (read police).Lets see you engaging the police in cat and mouse races in the streets for worthy causes such as Mau Forest, Tana Delta, the Girl child, The Boy Child, Free water for all, Education for cetera....who knows you might bag 100 million USD in the form of a Nobel price.... blo
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